In the Pacific Northwest (PN), where lush landscapes meet varying climates, selecting the right ground covers can make all the difference. Whether you’re looking for a hardy lawn alternative or something beautiful between pathways, there is a multitude of options. Fall is a great time to think about what you want to plant or to divide up your current plantings to take up empty spaces in your garden.
Why Choose Ground Covers? Ground covers are an excellent solution for reducing maintenance, preventing erosion, and adding texture and color to your garden. They thrive in our unique Pacific Northwest climate, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional lawns and a soft touch between pathways.
Top Ground Cover Options for the Pacific Northwest

Creeping Thyme: Perfect for sunny spots, this aromatic herb is drought-tolerant and forms a dense, low-growing mat that can withstand foot traffic, can also be used as a lawn alternative.
Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi): This native evergreen ground cover is excellent for erosion control and thrives in well-drained soils. It produces beautiful red berries and pink flowers, adding year-round interest to your garden.

Irish Moss (Sagina subulata): Ideal for shadier areas, Irish Moss creates a soft, green carpet that works well between stepping stones. It’s perfect for adding a lush, mossy look without the maintenance of traditional moss.
Sedum (Stonecrop): With its wide variety of colors and textures, Sedum is a versatile ground cover that thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It’s perfect for rock gardens, borders, and between pathways, though does not handle heavy foot traffic very well.

Bugleweed (Ajuga) Is a hardy, fast-spreading option that brings rich green foliage and beautiful blue flowers to your garden. It’s perfect for filling in spaces, controlling erosion, and adding texture. Plus, it’s low-maintenance and thrives in a variety of conditions.
Japanese Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) A tough plant that tolerates conditions at either end of the temperature range, summer heat as well as winter chill.

Laptinella: A delicate fern-like foliage, creates a lush carpet perfect for garden borders or filling in between stepping stones. This low-growing, hardy plant thrives in full sun or partial shade, offering a low-maintenance solution for dynamic, green spaces.
Any questions? contact us today
Swick’s Landscaping Expert Team | 604-315-8592